Extreme Joy

Extreme Joy



BIO . . .
I have a passion for God’s Word and a desire to teach, lead, and encourage others. Through writing and speaking, I always try to allow the heartbeat of the Father to pour through my words. I'm an award winning writer and have had articles published in magazines such as Focus on the Family’s “Thriving Family” magazine, and Dr. Charles Stanley’s “In Touch” magazine, as well as stories published in the “Chicken Soup for the Soul” books.

I am a CLASS (Christian Leaders Authors Speakers Seminar) graduate as well as a graduate of the Christian Communicators Conference. I'm also an active member of the Greenville chapter of Word Weavers and have had years of experience serving in women’s ministries and teaching Bible Studies.

With a degree in Horticulture from Clemson University, I enjoy giving gardening talks to community and church groups as well as schools however my real passion is sharing God’s Truths and encouraging women. 

So how do I spend my time when I'm not working at the ministry of The Gospel Hour, Inc. (a radio and publishing ministry)? I can be found at Greenville Indoor rowing -- rowing my way to my 3 Million Meter Mark, writing, gardening, reading, or spending time with my family.

My husband and I live in Mauldin, SC where we are finding our way as empty nesters. Oh, but there is one baby still in the nest, our sweet Shih-Tzu, Maggie.


Walking with God . . . While Running on Life's Treadmill
Understanding what it means to walk with God in the midst of our busyness.

Traveling Light
Discovering what we carry that weighs us down.

Releasing Your Grip
Embracing where we are in our lives and letting go of control.

A Gift for Me?
Understanding and discovering our spiritual gifts.

Hello . . . I Could Use Some Help Down Here!
Experiencing joy no matter the circumstances.

Daddy's Coat . . . God's Great Love for Us.
Becoming a real "Daddy's Girl"

Container Gardening for Busy Moms
How to enjoy gardening when limited in space and short on time.

Playing in the Dirt . . . Not Just for Kids!
Gardening 101 sprinkled with truths from God's Word.

  • Women's Ministry Events
  • Retreats (from 1/2 day to two-day)
  • Bible Study Workshops
  • Teas
  • Luncheons
  • MOPs
  • Holiday Events
  • Gardening Workshops (Container Gardening, Door Basket, Seasonal Planting Talks)

Beth Fortune